Category: About Me
“The Heart Behind the Blog: Why and How I Started Thinking Hearts Glow”
Have you ever had a moment when you just wanted to type your life away in that little corner of your office? No? Me neither! All I wanted was to be like the characters in movies who sit behind a computer “pretending to work” until their friends whisk them away for brunch. But, of course,…
Mom of 4, but it’s a business?
In 2021, a long-held wish of mine became a reality. After introducing my fourth child to the world, I became a stay-at-home mom, finally living the life I had always wanted. It came with so many blessings, but—there’s always a but. You know when they say, be careful what you wish for? Well, being a…
Hello world!
Welcome to Thinking Hearts Glow! ✨ I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am to finally share this with you. This blog has been a dream in the making, one that’s taken a lot of heart, soul, and patience. As a Mexican-American stay-at-home mom, I’ve spent so much of my time loving and…